Making a Request

To make a http request in Verisense nucleus, you have to split the process into two parts:

  1. make request: making a http request and return the request_id immediately;
  2. get the callback: a #[callback] function will be called with the request_id when the response is ready.

For example, let's request the

use vrs_core_sdk::{CallResult, http::{*, self}, callback, post};

pub fn request_google() {
    let id = http::request(HttpRequest {
        head: RequestHead {
            method: HttpMethod::Get,
            uri: "".to_string(),
            headers: Default::default(),
        body: vec![],
    vrs_core_sdk::println!("http request {} enqueued", id);

pub fn on_response(id: u64, response: CallResult<HttpResponse>) {
    match response {
        Ok(response) => {
            let body = String::from_utf8_lossy(&response.body);
            vrs_core_sdk::println!("id = {}, response: {}", id, body);
        Err(e) => {
            vrs_core_sdk::eprintln!("id = {}, error: {:?}", id, e);

You have to maintain the request ids by a global structure such as a Hashmap.